Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year Eve 2012-God will always lead our way,just trust it!!

Sebuah kilas balik dan renungan

2011 adalah tahun penuh dengan memori. Tahun penuh kejutan. Tahun penuh dengan kesedihan dan kegembiraan, tahun penuh dengan gejolak, emosi, pembuktian diri, pencapaian ambisi . Tahun dimana penuh dengan situasi dan kondisi yg harus dihadapi dan mengharuskan membuat keputusan-keputusan berani dalam hidup.Tidak semua keputusan yang diambil selama tahun 2011 adalah benar, namun dengan motivasi dan pembuktian diri-Puji Tuhan, keputusan tersebut menjadi benar adanya (dan sebagian mudah-mudahan pun menjadi benar adanya).

Masalah datang silih berganti bagaikan  ombak besar menghantam batu karang yang terlihat kokoh berdiri, gelombang laut pasang surut menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada yang abadi, tidak ada kondisi yang tetap tanpa adanya perubahan.

Teriknya matahari terkadang membakar kulit hingga terbakar parah, hujan deras kerap datang disertai badai yang hadir tanpa diharapkan. Namun harus diyakini bahwa semua hujan deras dan badai hebat itu akan berakhir-akan ada saat dimana itu semua berakhir tergantikan oleh sinar matahari yang menyejukkan.

Awal tahun 2011 adalah saat dimana ada satu peristiwa yang menyulut emosi dan perasaan. Saat dimana kamu berbuat sangat baik tanpa pamrih, saat dimana kepercayaan diberikan, namun semua itu terasa sia-sia saat kamu dihianati, saat dimana pertanyaan dilontarkan, namun dibantah, tidak ada pengakuan sama sekali atas kekeliruan yang telah dilakukan. Pun tiada maaf yang terlontarkan. Hening tiada terkira sehingga berakhir dengan satu keputusan kekanak2an. Keputusan yang akhirnya dirasakan oleh pihak tersebut meskipun tiada komunikasi yang dilakukan. Namun demikian, tetap tak ada kata maaf yang dilontarkan padahal sangat didambakan. Waktu bergulir dengan cepat diiringi dengan kesadaran akan betapa berharganya sebuah persahabatan yg harus dipertahankan-prinsip bahwa “mengalah tidak berarti kalah” pun dilakukan tanpa pamrih.

Sebuah kejadian yang membuat luka di hati pun terjadi di pertengahan tahun 2011, dimana sebuah perasaan tertipu pun terjadi-yang menghasilkan tindakan emosi yang menciptakan serangkaian kejadian-kejadian berikut yang menguras perhatian, hati dan perasaan sampai akhir tahun 2011. Pun di malam New Year Eve ini, keputusan final belum dilakukan.

Di penghujung tahun, terdapat kejadian yang tidak pernah disangka. Tuhan mempertemukan seseorang yang tidak pernah disangka dan diduga. It’s amazing, Tuhan selalu punya rencana yang tidak dimengerti oleh manusia. Hanya melalui sebuah kejadian yang sangat simple, ini semua terjadi. Sebuah Persahabatan yang tidak terjangkau sebelum (serasa bagai pungguk merindukan bulan), Persahabatan yang terasa sangat tidak mungkin, namun merupakan sebuah Persahabatan yang sekarang sungguh terjadi yang penuh makna.

Dengan rangkaian kejadian-kejadian selama 2011, bahwa Tuhan sangat baik, meskipun terkadang kita tidak mengerti apa yang Dia lakukan terhadap kita, meskipun dalam keadaan terpuruk kita selalu menyalahkanNya, meskipun waktu Dia dengan waktu kita sangat berbeda, keinginanNya dan keinginan kita tidak sejalan, namun pasti Dia selalu memiliki rencana yang baik untuk kita. Kita hanya perlu berdoa, berharap, tetap semangat. Keep the good Faith.

Don’t waste your time looking back on what you have lost. Move on as life is not meant to be travelled backwards.

Let’s end this year 2011 (let it become a memory in mind and heart) with grateful hope and wish that all happiness and joy, success and friendship that have been provided to us by God will remain with us, and be ready to receive all the happiness, joy and prosperity, greater success, treasure friendship in the coming year 2012.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Lovely Quotes

Work your hardest. Think your smartest. Dream your biggest. Be your greatest. Love you fullest. Smile your brightest! @ihatequotes

Life's too short to worry about the little things. Enjoy what you have today, not what you might get tomorrow @ihatequotes

Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present & make it beautiful. 

When we pray, God hears more than we say, answers more than we ask, gives more than we His own time & His own way.. 

Don't let people bring you down.Stand up for your right, show them what you got. You have right, to do what you want @infogadis

when you hit ROCK BOTTOM there are no other way but to BOUNCED BACK UP! so consider this a a BLESSING @zarazettirazr

Sometimes we only see what we want to see and we missed what He would like to show to us. We made mistakes, Him Never! @zarazettirazr

When we're in trouble we said: God where r U?He is there all the time within ourself.But we didn't realize coz we are occupied with problems @zarazettirazr

It's Believe that gets is there - dragonfly the movie - when u have faith, u will see beyond your sight @zarazettirazr

I never ask U for anything because i believe U. That U know what I need more than myself and U will give what I deserve. Nite all @zarazettirazr

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life you have a thousand reasons to smile :) @andriewongso

Best friend is the one you could sit on a porch, never saying a word & then walk away feeling that was the best conversation you’ve had @ihatequotes

Tears can sometimes be more special than smiles, for smiles can be given to anyone, but tears are only shed for people we love @ihatequotes

If you believe, not necessarily ur wish will come true, but at least ur life will be easier....and hope is always there @zarazettirazr

Those who never experience sadness will measure their happiness from other's achievement and will be forever looking for that happiness @zarazettirazr

Happiness is for us to share, while sadness is a learning process to understand the true meaning of happiness @zarazettirazr

The source of happiness must come within yourself because you cant control what's in the outside and it will lead you to frustration @zarazettirazr

The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage. The secret of courage is believe @zarazettirazr

You cannot give what you don’t have. You cannot forgive what you can’t forget. But you can love even if you’re not being loved back @ihatequotes

Every teardrop is precious, u can never pick them up & put them back to ur eyes. So make sure that if u drop some, it’s worth crying for @ihatequotes

We Come To Love Not By Finding a Perfect Person, But By Learning To See An Imperfect Person Perfectly @eileenrachman

Dont be too long crying over anything. Things u're crying about right now sometimes are things you'll be grateful for later. -

When you let go of what your haters sent you, you have room enough to receive what God has already given you @ihatequotes

5 simple rules to be happy: Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less @ihatequotes

God always has something for you: a key for every problem,a light for every shadow, a relief for every sorrow & a plan for every tomorrow @thenotebook

Don't block your dreams by allowing fear to grow bigger than faith. Be brave! Have faith and move on! 

Never say goodbye if you still want to try. Never give up if you still feel you can go on @tracyagustina

All people have problems. Life is unfair, but it's unfair to everyone. So, life's fair. Everybody just need to fight for it! 

Dont worry about what people think about you, because they arent thinking about you  

Sometimes we only see what we want to see and we missed what He would like to show to us. We made mistakes, Him Never! @zarazettirazr

By @ivanna_ve

All decisions that have been taken, has consequences. No one can control it when they made decisions.Hence, some may resulted regrets at end. Too many considerations will create confuse,confusing will create no decision at all.without any consideration,decision may not correct

If we forgive something easily cause God teaches that, and wish there is no similar thing happen,but it happen again and again. So how?

It's not easy to fix heart that are being hurt,but does it worth to cry on that?understand that crying will not provide solution.but  if tears just come out of our control, does it ok?I think so-cause we are one as strong as God whohasnever cry on his suffering

Don't' trust to money even money is important, as money can bring u in the deep sh*t

Even in the desperate situation, we must have our self esteem. We can lose everything but we must not lose our pride and self esteem

Even in the desperate situation, we must let God to lead our way and believe in Him that nothing is impossible for us if He gives us way out

Sometimes we need heavy rain to be able for us to cry without let people know what inside of our heart

At certain point&condition;, sometimes we lost our track due to sadness, if that so, should rationality or emotional must be used to take decision?

If u feel that things go wrong,pls remember that God always be with u even His time is nit the same w/us but His is the Right one

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Unpredicted Rendezvous

Afternoon on 24 December 2011 , i was flying with one of the famous Airline in Indonesia, back from mu holiday at Bali to Jakarta (my hometown).

It was amazing rendezvous happen that afternoon. I met ex my team member at the previous Consulting Company. He was standing in the Flight and gave a greetings for all the passengers. He decided to change his career from a consultant to be a Flight Attendant 3 years ago. I interviewed him and decided to hire him to be a junior consultant. From the day one of his joining, I was his mentor.

At that afternoon, he did the new tricks during the 1.5 hours of flight which has never been done by any other Airlines in this world (as i knew). He attracted all passengers' attention by calling his team member (flight attendants) with the horor's name are: "Nyai Blorong", "Nyi Pelet" and "Nyai Dasima" when these three flight attendants want to show the safety ways to the passengers which normally did it by all airlines.

For sure, he was successful in getting all passengers' attention. He told me that he did it in every flight with the specific different name for his team member without informed his team. Before landing, he also announced the passenger's name who got birthday, he sang a "happy birthday" song but used the different melody. At the end of his song he got big applause from all passengers.

He just started his new journey 2 years ago became one of the flight attendant, and today he got promoted become Senior Flight Attendant, level that allowed to be come an announcer in the flight and coordinate team during the flight. It was a fast track promotion, I guess.

So, I proud of him with his achievement, a team member who i had become his mentor from day 1, enjoy the team work, and also has ever angry with him in order to meet very tight deadline,angry when he submitted the resignation letter and leave the deadline for me to handle by myself (1 day before the deadline). His dream became true now.

Being a Good Leader, I feel proud of him with all his achievement today. Even though we got taft working session at that time, got angry from me, but he has never changed his mind. He always keep in touch with me. Good luck my friend and keep the good work.

Dedicated to: S.H.S