Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A prayer for u in your birth day

When we missing someone that we used to love but due to some reasons we couldnt forgive them, what should we do except just sending prayer?

So I m sending you my prayer as part of the birthday greeting...happy birthday to you, wish you all the best. I wish God can remind you to be a good person, good citizen, love people that love you, stop hurting people who love you genuinely, love the country that already gave you everything in your life.
Beside all the things that you hurt me in the past, I always remember all the lessons that you shared with me, all love and care that you gave to me which I understand now that it might not a genuine love given to me but I respect that, will always remember all the good and bad memories that we have.

Thanks for being part of my life, thanks for being proud of me in your life....I wish you happy with the life that you choose now....once again happy birthday!!

Miss you so much even I still couldnt forgive you😞...may be one day....

For you..the one that already hurt me too deeply who are celebrate birthday on this day 5 August 2015

I have never say goodbye to you..I just close my chapter of life from you after you hurt me to deeply.

Till we meet again......with the new better chapter.....

Friday, July 31, 2015

Everything happen for a reason...

Everything happen for a reason...

You came into my life
You came into my path
You touched my feeling
You put effort in the beginning
You used the same ways with someone i love when you try to touch my feeling
You used the same ways with someone i love when you gave your attention to me
You gave me your attention
You gave me your time
You teach me on how to deal with the difficult situation
You raise me up when i felt down
You cheers me during my sadness time

And...everything happen for a reason....

I wonder why we could be closed each other during this very short time
I wonder why you use the same ways in touching my feeling
I wonder why you gave me your attention
I wonder why you gave me your time
I wonder why you teach me to deal with the difficult situation
I wonder why you raise me up when I felt down
I wonder why you cheers me during my sadness time

And....everything happen for a reason....

Thankyou for your attention
Thankyou for your valuable time
Thankyou for involving me into your life
Thankyou for being with me in my sadness time
Thankyou for cheers me up
Thankyou for raising me up

And...everything happen for a reason......

Now, choice has been chosen
Life is all about choice
Even to me this is not a choice and why should this happen to us?
Yes we are coming from the different background
We have different vision of life
But to me, due to those differences, God united us
I hope...........i feel....

And...everything happen for a reason......

I ever promised that one day I will wrote about you in my blog
and here I go, I wrote this for you
hoping you read this
Even though I have never thought that this note will coming in this very short time
Even though I have never thought that this is the subject that I should wrote on you

And...everything happen for a reason......

I asked for patient
I asked for understanding
You promised me but.... may be to many requests for you.....

Everything happen for a reason..

Hoping not happen to us...

Everything happen for a reason...

Till we see again.....

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It's good to see you again

Hey you, it's good to see you
You look good, your hair's gotten longer
Two years, time really flies by, I'm glad we did this
It's really been so long

since we're here, I think it's time we talk about things
Talk about the past and the pain
People change, life's too short to live in anger
It's time to forgive
So go on, tell me everything
Don't leave any details out
If you found love, I'll be happy for you
I promise – it's good to see you again

No one, makes me laugh like you do
It's a gift, a very special talent
It's like, time froze right around us, except you're looking better
Then even I remembered
I must admit, part of me was scared to see you
Afraid I would get butterflies
But the time and distance that we created has helped that subside

Well, we're almost done here, let's ask for the bill
No, let me get this one please, next one you'll pay
After all this time, being here with you still feels the same
So, don't be a stranger in my life
Please keep me posted
If you need me, just pick up the phone and I'll be there
No questions' asked
It's good to see you again
So good to see you again

A song by Scott Allan 'it's good to see you again' is really my heart’s said on our meeting moment again. Really appreciate it. The moment that i have never thought about...i just realized that date is an important date for you even though you made it faster 2 days but i always remember that is a special date. I always remember my promise to the one who you really love.

I m not to try to impress you...i m happy to be me...I may not be perfect...I may not as beauty as you...but I m honest, loving, caring, and happy. I never try to be anything that i m not and i m not here to impress anyone else...coz I m me with all that i have and we don’t have...that's me. I have never had negative intended to anyone. 

Time moved so fast and now realize how beautiful the moments were that we have, remember the path we are together...the love which i could not stop it...the caring that i could not stop it...your love...your caring that i could not forgot it...all those memories that we had...the moment of silent, laughing, crying, anger, happiness and's really depressed and sad time for being lost you in life....

So if you can accept me as I m...let's start our life journey together again...It's good to see you again and hope this will be no end and it's everlasting. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Serenity Prayer

If we cant change the world we are living in as per what we want, as per what we wish...event after we put hard effort on it, it's a time to change our mind set, change the way we look this world, and accept it, make a peace with logic and heart..let go all the things which hurt...

Sun always rise in the morning, and disappear at night. Moon always come back at night and disappear in the morning but they never broken their promises to come back again everyday without any command and without expecting any type of rewads.

That unconditional love...that's The Serenity Prayer...Serenity to accept the things we cant change. The courage to change the things we can and The wisdom to know the difference. Amen

Friday, May 8, 2015

Nothing is coincident

Never expect….
Never assume….
Never ask…
Never demand…
Just let it be
If it’s meant to be, it will happen
Nothing is coincident

God created a soul and lend body to us, give us love and intelligent to be a human to reflect Him in this earth
God has created a blueprint for us since our birth date to the death date
He gave everything that we need not we want
Basically we are nothing in front of God…
Hence….none of that we have, none of that we own should make us become an arrogant person
We are nothing in front of Him

God created others and send them into our life with special purpose which only He knows it. None of us know it till we live it….even till we live it, most of the time we still could not understand on His purposes.

He sends us to others, become one of the family member by blood, he could be also send us to others to be one of the family member even if we don’t have blood relationship.
He sends us to the group of people
He sends us to someone special
He sends someone special to us


He also has His plan, His purpose to take us out from the group of people we joint with
He can take us out from someone special’s life
He can send us to wherever He has plan already
He has His time…and His time is perfect
He has never forget on His promise to us
He has never broke His promise to us
What we need to do is just Trust Him and keeps the Faith on Him

He will not give us the easier way to earn all the things that He already plan for us
He may give tests to us to ensure that we entitle to earn it
Likewise FRIENDSHIP relation that He gives.

There is no an easy way for people to create a relationship
Friendship needs a seed, plant it, puts fertilizer on it
Friendship is not only full with laugh and happiness only
God put sad stories on it, emotion on it
Not to break that friendship but more to test the strongest of that friendship
To test the genuine of that friendship
To test the genuine of the heart involving into those friendships
To test the unconditional love of people involving there

On top of those, just Trust Him and keep the Faith, nothing is coincident; He created us with the blueprint already.

PS note: for someone who I treated as beloved sister, who I texting her every day even when she gets mad with me; my love will forever
Jakarta 8 May 2015 at 18:46pm

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Apa yang terlihat belum tentu yg sebenarnya terlihat

Sebuah kapal pesiar mengalami kecelakaan di laut dan akan segera tenggelam. Sepasang suami istri b erlari menuju ke skoci untuk menyelamatkan diri. Sampai di sana, mereka menyadari bahwa hanya ada tempat untuk satu orang yang tersisa. Segera sang suami melompat mendahului istrinya untuk mendapatkan tempat itu. Sang istri hanya bisa menatap kepadanya sambil meneriakkan sebuah kalimat sebelum skoci menjauh dan kapal itu benar-benar menenggelamkannya.

Guru yang menceritakan kisah ini bertanya pada murid-muridnya,
“Menurut kalian, apa yang istri itu teriakkan?”

Sebagian besar murid-murid itu menjawab,
“Aku benci kamu!”
“Kamu tau aku buta!!”
“Kamu egois!”
“Nggak tau malu!”

Tapi guru itu kemudian menyadari ada seorang murid yang diam saja. Guru itu meminta murid yang diam saja itu menjawab. Kata si murid,
“Guru, saya yakin si istri pasti berteriak, ‘Tolong jaga anak kita baik-baik’”.

Guru itu terkejut dan bertanya,
“Apa kamu sudah pernah dengar cerita ini sebelumnya?”

Murid itu menggeleng.
“Belum. Tapi itu yang dikatakan oleh mama saya sebelum dia meninggal karena penyakit kronis.”

Guru itu menatap seluruh kelas dan berkata,
“Jawaban ini benar.”

Kapal itu kemudian benar-benar tenggelam dan sang suami membawa pulang anak mereka sendirian.

Bertahun-tahun kemudian setelah sang suami meninggal, anak itu menemukan buku harian ayahnya. Di sana dia menemukan kenyataan bahwa, saat orangtuanya naik kapal pesiar itu, mereka sudah mengetahui bahwa sang ibu menderita penyakit kronis dan akan segera meninggal. Karena itulah, di saat darurat itu, ayahnya memutuskan mengambil satu-satunya kesempatan untuk bertahan hidup. Dia menulis di buku harian itu,
“Betapa aku berharap untuk mati di bawah laut bersama denganmu. Tapi demi anak kita, aku harus membiarkan kamu tenggelam sendirian untuk selamanya di bawah sana.”

Cerita itu selesai. Dan seluruh kelas pun terdiam.

Guru itu tahu bahwa murid-murid sekarang mengerti moral dari cerita tersebut, bahwa kebaikan dan kejahatan di dunia ini tidak sesederhana yang kita sering pikirkan.
Ada berbagai macam komplikasi dan alasan di baliknya yang kadang sulit dimengerti.

Karena itulah kita seharusnya jangan pernah melihat hanya di luar dan kemudian langsung menghakimi, apalagi tanpa tahu apa-apa.

Mereka yang sering membayar untuk orang lain, mungkin bukan berarti mereka kaya, tapi karena mereka menghargai hubungan daripada uang.

Mereka yang bekerja tanpa ada yang menyuruh, mungkin bukan karena mereka bodoh, tapi karena mereka menghargai konsep tanggung jawab.

Mereka yang minta maaf duluan setelah bertengkar, mungkin bukan karena mereka bersalah, tapi karena mereka menghargai orang lain.

Mereka yang mengulurkan tangan untuk menolongmu, mungkin bukan karena mereka merasa berhutang, tapi karena menganggap kamu adalah sahabat.

Mereka yang sering mengontakmu, mungkin bukan karena mereka tidak punya kesibukan, tapi karena kamu ada di dalam hatinya...

Moral of the story:

Semua terjadi karena Kesalahpahaman...
Karena kurangnya tiap orang untuk Mengerti dan Memahami kondisi setiap situasi...
Tak banyak orang mau belajar tuk Berkembang, tuk Merubah Jiwa dan Hatinya jadi lebih baik

Source: cerita ini berikut dengan moral of the story nya saya copy paste seluruhnya dari seorang teman