Friday, May 8, 2015

Nothing is coincident

Never expect….
Never assume….
Never ask…
Never demand…
Just let it be
If it’s meant to be, it will happen
Nothing is coincident

God created a soul and lend body to us, give us love and intelligent to be a human to reflect Him in this earth
God has created a blueprint for us since our birth date to the death date
He gave everything that we need not we want
Basically we are nothing in front of God…
Hence….none of that we have, none of that we own should make us become an arrogant person
We are nothing in front of Him

God created others and send them into our life with special purpose which only He knows it. None of us know it till we live it….even till we live it, most of the time we still could not understand on His purposes.

He sends us to others, become one of the family member by blood, he could be also send us to others to be one of the family member even if we don’t have blood relationship.
He sends us to the group of people
He sends us to someone special
He sends someone special to us


He also has His plan, His purpose to take us out from the group of people we joint with
He can take us out from someone special’s life
He can send us to wherever He has plan already
He has His time…and His time is perfect
He has never forget on His promise to us
He has never broke His promise to us
What we need to do is just Trust Him and keeps the Faith on Him

He will not give us the easier way to earn all the things that He already plan for us
He may give tests to us to ensure that we entitle to earn it
Likewise FRIENDSHIP relation that He gives.

There is no an easy way for people to create a relationship
Friendship needs a seed, plant it, puts fertilizer on it
Friendship is not only full with laugh and happiness only
God put sad stories on it, emotion on it
Not to break that friendship but more to test the strongest of that friendship
To test the genuine of that friendship
To test the genuine of the heart involving into those friendships
To test the unconditional love of people involving there

On top of those, just Trust Him and keep the Faith, nothing is coincident; He created us with the blueprint already.

PS note: for someone who I treated as beloved sister, who I texting her every day even when she gets mad with me; my love will forever
Jakarta 8 May 2015 at 18:46pm