Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Kutahu Engkau Tahu

Kutahu Engkau Tahu

Tak seharusnya kukatakan semua itu
Tak seharusnya kusampaikan semua itu
Tak seharusnya kubebani hidupmu dengan semua ini
Tak seharusnya kubuat kau menangis sedih
dengan semua yg terjadi padaku

Seharusnya kubuat kau bahagia
Seharusnya kubuat kau gembira
Seharusnya kubuat kau tidak memiliki beban
Seharusnya kusimpan semua yg kurasa

Kutahu engkau dapat merasakan apa yg kurasakan
Kutahu engkau tahu pada saat airmata ini terjatuh sekalipun engkau tak pernah melihatnya
Kutahu engkau tidak dapat aku bohongi sekalipun kebohongan itu adalah kebohongan untuk kebaikanmu
Kutahu engkau merasakan kasih sayang tulusku untukmu
Kutahu engkau tulus menyayangiku
Kutahu engkau selalu ajak ku turut serta
Kutahu terkadang engkau memberikan alasan kepadaku agar aku menjauh
Kutahu terkadang engkau memberikan alasan kepadaku agar aku tak mengetahui kesedihanmu
Kutahu terkadang engkau memberikan alasan kepadaku agar aku tidak sedih
Kutahu terkadang engkau tidak sanggup berbagi cerita kepedihanmu kepadaku hanya karena engkau tak mau melihat aku sedih lebih daripada kesedihan yg kau rasakan
Kutahu semuanya……..sekalipun terdengar mustahil bagi orang lain
namun Tuhan memberikan bisikan hati kepadaku

Kurasakan apa yg engkau rasakan
Kurasakan apa yg sedang engkau alami
Kurasakan kesedihan dan kegembiraanmu
Sekalipun itu tiada kata terucap darimu untukku

Aku menyayangi engkau dengan tulus
Aku menyayangi engkau dengan segenap hati dan jiwaku
Aku menyayangi engkau tanpa syarat
Aku menyayangi engkau sebagaimana adanya engkau
Aku menyayangi engkau andaikan engkau berubah
Aku menyayangi engkau andaikan engkau berusaha untuk menjauhkan diri dariku

Engkau mengajariku cara menghargai hidup
Engkau mengajariku cara membaca intuisi
Engkau mengajariku cara menghargai orang lain
Engkau mengajariku cara menghargai cinta dan kasih sayang
Engkau mengajariku cara agar aku tak selalu menggunakan logika saja
Engkau mengajariku cara menggunakan hati

Aku sedih karena ku tak mampu menghapus kesedihanmu
Aku sedih karena ku tak mampu selalu berada di sisimu untuk menghapus buliran demi buliran air mata yang jatuh membasahi bumi di tiap malam dan dini hari
Aku sedih karena ku tak mampu menggantikanmu tuk menjalaninya
Aku sedih karena ku tak mampu memberikan kebahagiaan sejati
Aku sedih karena ku tak mampu ……….

Terimakasih atas semuanya
Terimakasih atas segala yang sudah engkau berikan
Terimakasih atas segala kepercayaan yang engkau berikan
Terimakasih atas waktumu yang sangat berharga untukku
Terimakasih atas kesempatan yang engkau berikan
Terimakasih atas kasih sayang tulus yang tiada hentinya
Terimakasih atas doa tulus yang selalu engkau panjatkan untukku
Terimakasih ………..semuanya

Terimakasih tidaklah cukup untuk mewakili apa yang ada di hati ini
Terimakasih tidaklah cukup untuk menyampaikan semuanya

Janji kita berdua adalah untuk saling menyayangi
Janji kita berdua adalah untuk saling menghargai
Janji kita berdua adalah untuk selalu bersama apapun yang terjadi
Janji kita berdua adalah untuk saling berbagi segala kesedihan
Janji kita berdua adalah untuk saling berbagi segala kebahagiaan
Janji kita berdua adalah untuk tidak ada lagi buliran buliran airmata
Janji kita berdua adalah untuk tidak pernah mengingkari janji kita berdua

I love you more than I can be. You love me more than you can be. Let me go into your life, and I will let you go into my life, let me feel what you feel, let me do all for you coz for that-God gave me my life and bring us together.

Note: for someone very special in my life that God sent to me on 21 Nov’2011, make us close and closer on 7 January 2012, someone that we talked to and cried together at 19 December 2012 on 1-2 o’clock in the morning

Monday, December 10, 2012

This is I Promise You

#True love is not possesive, but it will encourage, caring, give positive direction and positive influence#

Life is a mystery. Life is just like oceans with the waves, sky with thunder, that is our life created by God, a life full with happiness, joy, prosperity, laugh, sad, tears, fear, brave, friends, enemies. God has His own plan when He introduces each of us to fill in this life. Something that we cant expect, we cant create it. But just believe in Him that His plan is best for us. He creates us with our own strenghness and weakness but still not perfect, with the 'togetherness' - our life become perfect. That's way God introduces us in this Universe to make this Universe more perfect and brightly

Whatever life is, since the day we met, I  have promised to myself that i will be your guardian since that day and forever...
This is I promise you...
When the visions around you, Bring tears to your eyes and all that surround you, are secrets and lies I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope, Keeping your faith when it's gone..
The one you should call, was standing here all along..And I will take You in my arms and hold you right where you belong till the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise you. I've loved you forever, In lifetimes before...This is I promise and forever...

The worst situation had been gone through successfuly, now is just a dust in the forest,it just a coral&small rock in the sea, we'll pass this test if we face it with no fear and we do it together. There is nothing impossible for us if we believe in God, no matter what and how. He will give us the best
God will always give new chances in our life. We just need to realize it and appreciate it. Do our best to value those chances. Keep the HOPE, and FAITH still alive with us now and forever. This is God promises to You

Note: I love you forever, no matter what. You know how deep my love is....

Monday, November 12, 2012

Friendship is a Priceless Gift

Friendship is a Priceless Gift
It cannot be bought or sold
But it value is far greater
than a mountain made of Gold.
For Gold is cold and lifeless
it can neither see nor hear
and in the time of trouble
It is powerless to cheer
It has no ears to listen
nor heart to understand
It cannot bring you comfort
or reach out a helping hand
So when you ask God for a Gift
be thankfull if He sends...
not diamond, pearls, or riches
but the love of Real True Friend
~Helen Steiner RIce~

We meet by a chance that we could not find it nor buy it (how rich we are...true friend and true friendship could not be bought) and turn into a friend. God has His own plans when He introduces someone turn into our life. He may sends someone just for a short period or longer period, or forever. And now is our destiny keeps us close each others making our friendship grow more with the passing time. Why i call it's our destiny?? coz if our destiny says that we could not be a friend nor if the destiny says that our friendship is no longer there, even if there are so hard efforts to keep it alive-it could not work, coz He already plan it for us.

However, it does not mean bad if He send friends only for a short time period. Nothing is negative in His plan. We have to think it deeply to understand on His plan. It is not easy to find and to understand. But just believe that time will tell us the truth and the meaning of all those.

None of us can say nor claim that we are an Angel for others. Even if so, we say that to the new people and hope with that 'word' we can be their friend, i dont believe it could works. That is not a 'magic word' in this Universe nowadays. None of us can do this!!!. Only God can do it. It will be wise, if we do not say or assume that he or she claims themselves to be our Angel just to attract our attention to become their friend. This is totally wrong perseption. None of us have Rights to do this.

Friendship is a choice, it is free from hatred, it's a freedom for us to decide based on our destiny and our understanding of God's plans, it is not coercion. No one can enforce a friendship.

I would like to say:

Walk with me when your heart needs accompany and trust me, take my hand when you feel alone-even if nothing i can do for you, turn to me when you need someone to learn and share together with.....nothing i can promise to you except i always be with you in all your sadness time instead your happilly time"

For me: Real and True Friendship is a rare relationship in this Universe nowadays. That the Treasure given by God more than diamond nor pearl that need to be flushed and fertilizer it with love and heart everytime, everywhere to keep it alive and shining along with the Sun shinning which never forget to come into our life every morning till afternoon and shining along with the Moon which will replace the Sun in enlightening our night to be more brightly.

~Please bear in mind that I have no rights to claim myself as an 'Angel' in someone life~

~Respect people who find time for us in their busy life and schedule, BUT Love people who never look at their schedule and time when we need them...that is the Real and True Friendship~

ps note: dedicate this to my real and true friend who always be with me in my insomnia time:) you, thanks for your value time buddy:)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Think first, act later

Think First and Act Later

As the above subject, as a human i think the important thing in life is Think First and Act Later not the other way.

Once day, Gabriel introduce Jennifer to Donna and  Donna accepted her as my new friend. Donna doesn't know who is Jennifer, what is her background and so on and so on. But Donna doesn't care as a people who try to have positive thinking in life, in her mind she should not asking to much except just to accepted her friendship. Their friendship is a vitrtual friendship as Jennifer was not living at London.

One day she is so kind and made effort to come to London to meet all her virtual friends and made it become a real friend instead of virtual friends. They are so happy coz finally they can made this virtual friendship become a real friendship. A short trip among them was really valuable for all of them. Since Jennifer was not living at London, she bring all the stuffs as a gift for everybody. They appreciate on her efforts.

Long and short after they met each other, the friendship was getting close among the member of this friendship cycle. Each of us are respect each other and tried to help friend who needed assistance. Everyone in this cyrcle was expecting to have a real and ever lasting friendship.

One day Jenifer got an idea to have a holiday together again and she got her own schedule already and asked for others to follow her schedule. unfortunately, her friends could not made it to macth on her schedule. She was angry and without asking for the reasons she was upset with her friends. She then wrote her mind in the piece of paper. This is the way she tried to relieve her upset. She has never though that once day her words in that piece of paper was read by her friend and trigger a back ball to her.

Her friend who has read that paper is surpraise but she kept quite and questioned what happen with Jennifer. But due to her tight schedule, Donna has never got time to ask and forgot it already coz Donna think that there was no issue came from her side. Till one day, Jenifer asked Donna whether Donna got mad to her due to that paper. Donna surpraise on this, and though what is the relationship on all of these. Donna did not get an answer. But in Donna's heart she keeps hoping that their friendship can be back to the initial time, to the real friendship without any misunderstanding and intention to break it.

There always a good chance to fix all the wrong ways of thinking and behaviour happen with and or without certain intention on that, as long as there is positive action coming from. It may takes time and efforts but no harm to fix it as earlier as we can. And the moral of the above story is: Think First and Act Later not the other way.

ps note: the above story is fiction.If there is similarity of name and place-there is no such intention to do that.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The real Friendship

Robin Thicke
Lost Without U
Evolution of Robin Thicke

Im lost without u
Cant help myself
How does it feel
to know that I love u baby
Im lost without u
Cant help myself
How does it feel
to know that I love u baby
Tell me how u love me more
And how u think Im sexy baby
That u dont want nobody else
U dont want this guy u dont want that guy u wanna
Touch yourself when u see me
Tell me how u love my body
And how I make u feel baby
U wanna roll with me u wanna hold with me
U wanna stay warm and get out of the cold with me
I just love 2 hear u say it
It makes a man feel good baby
Tell me u depend on me
I need 2 hear it.......

One day I got this song from the One that I really respect, caring and love. Before that, I even do not know this song. Even though this title of song is "Lost Without You" but the song itself is not a sad song. That is a very nice song. I put it in all my phone including Ipod :)

Then i wrote to her but i think the message was not reached due to error in the social media that i used. I wrote as follows:

"When you have nothing to be offered (cos you are nobody)...only honest, trustworthy,caring and love that you can offer, but if Others can accept you as one of the people that they love and caring too-that called True and Real Friendship"

For me: True and Real Friend is always be with us in every single moment that our friend need it, no matter how difficult it will be, whenever and where ever we are, with no conditional and no reasons.

Thanks to let me 'in' your life to become one of your true and real friend, which we can share on all life perspective with no fear that each other will cheat on us one day. Thanks to love me as one of your sister. Also thanks to teach me to use 'heart'

Dedicated to: my sister that i love and care with no reasons:)

Friday, April 6, 2012

U Make My World More Colorful:)

#Chorus…..You make my world so colorful
I never had it so good
My love I thank you for all the love
You gave to me…..# by Daniel Sahuleka

People come and go in our life with reasons - to become family, colleague, business partners, friends, real friends, victims etc. Sometimes we can have positive thinking of that reasons but sometime we may have negative thinking of it. The negative thinking may be triggered by the careful behavior or coz we have not enough time to think it deeply or may be coz we don’t care on it.

Some people come and go easily in our life, some people come easily but hardly go from our life, some people hardly come and easy go, some is hardly come and also hardly go. Why this kind of thing can happen in life? Why there is no forever and ever relationship in life?

God has His own plans for us. Whatever the reasons are, God’s plans are the right and the best plans for us, even though may be God’s plans are different with ours.  God has His own time for us, which may different with ours. Whatever it is, just believe it that God has His best plans for us at His right time.

An attraction can happen spontaneously but lasting relation takes work . Hence we have to understand that we have to participate on it once God sending people in to our life. We must appreciate all people that God sends to us, try to start the relationship with positive thinking and we should not take any advantage on it. For me-Gives is better than TakesJ

One night I ever thought that my life is so plain, I called it “no color at all”, from morning to another morning with all constant events in life, while I see many people’s life are so colorful which makes me jealousJ .
I remember that night I told one of friend on that thought.  And her respond is quite surprise for me, she said: your life will not plain coz I was here for you. This respond make me realize that sometime we even don’t have correct thinking of our life, we do not appreciate our life.

God sends best people to paint life become more colorful. They contribute in painting it by their best in my life. Thanks for that All!!! J  will do the same for your lifeJ.

O ya, I ever wrote in FB and Twitter: whatever people would like to say and think that they make our life better than before, our hearth will know who should we thankful to. When I published this thought, I did not mention any names coz I believe that people who I refer to, realize that he/she is the one that I referring toJ  
Thanks to read this noteJ This is just a note from me that I write it from the deepest of my heart about my feelingJ. I am not an author, and I think I am not an expert in writing but I am really best in writing of tax advice only J J

-         1.  This note is dedicated to all my friends
-       2.    Thanks to TP who ever dedicated her writing in her blog for me-sorry just realize it after 1 year being posted J
3. Special thanks to cici ZZ who has been chosen to become my sister, my best friend, to care of meJ,who make my life more colorfulJ now. You are the fabulous Bday’s present from God to me this yearJ

Post it also at FB

Monday, January 9, 2012


Seorang tetangga menyebarkan gosip mengenai tetangganya. Dalam beberapa hari saja seluruh lingkungan mengetahui cerita tersebut.Tetangga yang dibicarakan tersebut akhirnya juga mengetahui fitnah yang tersebar tersebut.

Beberapa hari kemudian, orang yang menyebar luaskan gosip tersebut menyadari bahwa ternyata gosip yang dia sebarkan memang tidak benar adanya. Dia menyesal lalu datang kepada orang bijaksana untuk mencari tahu apa yang harus dia lakukan untuk memperbaiki kesalahannya tersebut.

Kata orang bijak kepadanya: pergilah ke pasar, belilah kemoceng kemudian dalam perjalanan pulang cabutilah bulu kemoceng tersebut dan buanglah satu per satu di sepanjang jalan pulang tersebut.

Meski terkejut mendengar nasehat tersebut, namun si penytebar gosip tetap melakukannya karena dia ingin memperbaiki kesalahannya. keesokan harinya, si penyebar gosip melapor kepada orang bijaksana bahwa dia telah melaksanakan nasehat orang tersebut.

Orang bijak berkata: sekarang pergilah dan kumpulkan kembali semua bulu kemoceng yang kau buang kemarin dan bawa kepadaku. Orang tersebut melakukannya dengan menyusuri jalan kemarin, namun angin telah melemparkan bulu bulu tersebut ke segala arah. Setelah berusaha mengumpulkan dengan bersusah payah, dia kembali kepada orang bijak dengan tiga helai bulu saja.

Kata orang bijak:lihat kan? sangat mudah melempar sesuatu namun tak kan mungkin untuk mengumpulkannya kembali dengan utuh.

Pesan moral si orang bijak:

1. hidup mati serseorang dikuasai lidah, siapa suka menggemakannya, dia akan memakan buahnya. Lidah yang lembut adalah pohon kehidupan. Namun lidah yang jahat adalah lidah yang melukai hati orang lain.

2. Kejujuran itu mahal harganya dan tidak setiap orang dapat menghargai suatu kejujuran. Manakala kejujuran telah dinomorduakan, maka akan ada harga mahal yang harus dibayar

3. apabila kita tidak ingin ada bekas luka, maka janganlah kita memaku paku di hati dan mencabutnya kembali. karena paku yang sudah dipakukan dan dicabut dari tempatnya akan menimbulkan luka dalam yang tidak bisa disembuhkan oleh berlalunya waktu kecuali kita berusaha untuk menambalnya kembali dengan bahan lain. luka itu akan tertambal, namun sudah tidak bisa kembali normal.

4. Tidak perlu menyimpan suatu kemarahan hanya karena disebabkan oleh adanya kebohongan dimana kejujuran telah dinomor duakan. Biarlah waktu yang akan membantu untuk menghilangkan amarah tersebut.

5. Sahabat yang baik adalah sahabat yang senantiasa ada di kala kita susah dan selalu jujur kepadanya. Sahabat yang baik adalah sahabat yang selalu mengingatkan kepada sahabatnya untukk tidak melakukan hal2 yang tidak benar.

6. Seorang sahabat akan memukul kita dengan maksud baik, namun dia tidak akan menggunting dalam lipatan

Dipost di FB tgl 28 June 2010

Sebuah Luka

Suatu hari sekelompok anak sibuk merancang suatu perjalanan yang menyenangkan.mereka berencana untuk pergi ke tempat yang indah dimana belum pernah mereka kunjungi. Tiba2 mereka teringat kepada sahabatnya. Kemudian mereka sepakat untuk turut serta mengajak sahabat tersebut. Sahabat tersebut gembira, namun dia berkata janganlah pergi di bulan juni, juli dan oktober karena dia sedang disibukkan oleh pekerjannya. Sekelompok anak tersebut kemudian setuju dg usul dari sahabat tersebut.

Suatu hari tanpa disangka2, salah satu anak dari sekelompok anak tadi menyadarai bahwa ternyata sahabat yg diajak turut serta tadi telah menambil ide2 mereka dan merancang perjalanannya sendiri dengan orang lain. Oleh karena takut diketahui oleh sekelompok anak tersebut, maka sahabat itupun terpaksa memberitahukan kepada salah satu anak tersebut bahwa dia terpaksa dan dipaksa pergi oleh temannya.dan dia memberitahukan bahwa kepergiannya itu adalah mendadak tanpa direncanakan sebelumnya.
Anak tersebut begitu terkejut dengan info tersebut dan berusaha untuk memahami sahabatnya itu.namun setelah dikaji lebih lanjut, maka anak tersebut sangat kecewa dengan perbuatan sahabatnya itu.anak tersebut kecewa bukan karena dia tidak diajak turut serta oleh sahabat, namun dia baru menyadari bahwa sahabatnya dimana dia selalu mengalah ternyata sudah tega membohonginya. Keesokan harinya terkuaklah fakta bahwa si sahabat telah merancang semuanya setelah mengambil ide dari sekelompok anak tersebut.
Anak tersebut demikian terkejutnya saat dia tahu bahwa sahabatnya telah mendapatkan ijin satu minggu sebelum kepergian sahabat tersebut.sadarlah anak itu bahwa sahabat yg demikian dihormati dan disayangi itu telah tega berbohong kepadanya. Anak itu menanyakan kepada sahabatnya mengapa engkau tega melakukan semua ini. Jawab sahabat itu kepadanya: aku terpaksa krn sibuk sehingga belum sempat memberi kabar selain itu ijinpun belum didapat dengan pasti.

Anak tersebut demikian hancur hatinya krn ia tau bahwa sahabatnya telah mempertahankan kebohongannya.dia memaafkan sahabatnya tersebut, namun hatinya hancur, sehingga dia memutuskan untuk pergi jauh dari sahabat tersebut sampai dia mampu untuk menyembuhkan luka bathinnya tersebut.

it has been posted at FB on 29 June 2010